Lille, France I 12-13-14 March 2024


An Evolving Landscape for Microbiome-based Medicinal Products

The microbiome represents true promise in the treatment and prevention of disease – it has already transformed our understanding of what it means to be ‘human’, that ‘health’ is in fact a continuum, and that both are the ultimate result of a complex interaction between host and one’s microbiomes.

Developing new therapeutic and diagnostic technologies based on microbiome science presents great challenges, beginning as early as the lab all the way to validating clinical trials and commercialization: microbiome-based biomarkers and diagnostic tools, animal-free models and their validation, data, AI and machine learning, and the latest microbiome regulatory science updates in a shifting landscape to give you and your partners a better vision for your development choices.

Are you a part of this exciting and dynamic community? Join us in Lille in March 2024 to find out the latest in microbiome-based medicinal product research and development and engage with other innovators and stakeholders in the field.


Conference Themes at Pharmabiotics 2024

Microbiome Modulation by Phages

Microbiome Regulatory Science Updates

Microbiome-based Biomarkers and Diagnostic Tools

Animal-Free Models & their Validation


Data, AI & Machine Learning


Pharmabiotic Research Institute

Science Director

Yakult Europe

Michael Zimmermann

Robert Jan Brummer

Sin-Hyeog Im

Céline Druart

Professor, Department of Life Sciences POSTECH

CEO & Founder ImmunoBiome Inc

Executive Director

Pharmabiotic Research Institute

Advisory Committee

Bruno Pot

Sandrine Claus

Professor of Research

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC)

Françoise Le Vacon

Yolanda Sanz

Chief Scientific Officer


Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor

Örebro University

Group Leader

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Julie Rodriguez

OMICS Project Manager

Pharmabiotic Research Institute


EU Microbiome Regulatory Science Center

The PRI is the European Microbiome Regulatory Science Expertise Center, created in 2010 to support the development and registration of therapeutic and diagnostic products emerging from microbiome science. We work to educate and contribute to the conditions of success for future medicinal innovations emerging from microbiome science, and our ultimate objective is to see these therapeutic innovations achieve EU marketing authorization, thereby giving European patients access to registered microbiome-based medicinal products or validated diagnostics.

“You are an expert in microbiome science.

Now it’s time to apply microbiome regulatory science.”

New Industries Require New Insight.


“Microbiome-based medicinal products – acting on host physiology through ecosystemic effects”


Event Sponsors 2024